Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jonnie Dearborn: Vampire Slayer

Something fishy is going on here in Greenville.  A few kids have gone missing lately, and the authorities are dragging their feet!  There are rumors of a strange group moving in to that run down house on the other side of town.

Could it be that a new coven of vampires have place Hamilton High in their sights?

For their sakes, I hope not!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Vampires 101

[From Jonnie Dearborn]

Vampires are the disease, and I am the cure!

Vampirism is sorely misunderstood by those of you that actually believe vampires exist. Vampirism is a disease, or more specifically, a virus. There is nothing magical about vampires. They can't fly, turn into a bat, and they don't sparkle like diamonds in direct sunlight. Whoever came up with that one has some imagination!

But the virus needs to feed, and the only way to keep the virus from consuming the carrier is to give it human blood.  That's where I come in. I object strongly to vampires eating my friends, and I'm here to do something about it!
[From Jonnie Dearborn]

Welcome to the Jonnie Dearborn:  Vampire Hunter blog!

In between vampire hunting, football practice, and hanging out with Frankie, I'll try to stop by here every once in a while to let everyone know what I've been up to.

If you haven't read about my first adventures, you can find that here:  Jonnie Dearborn:  Vampire Hunter

Be on the lookout for Jonnie Dearborn:  Vampire Slayer ... coming soon!